Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Important Information

Several important notes came home with students today.

*Permission slips for our St. Joseph History field trip-please return with money by Monday, October 10th.  I also have attached a note for parent volunteers.

*Parent/Teacher Conference notes-please choose a time that is convenient for you and return the form to school

*Reminder-Picture day is Friday 

*Book reports are due Friday

***Please ask you child if he/she is in need of pencils-it is amazing how they disappear!

Thanks for all your support!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Butterfly life cycle

Check out our butterfly life cycles using beans and pasta!


Skating on Monday

Don't forget the 3rd and 4th grade classes will be going skating on Monday.  Students may bring their own skates if they have them.  Regular skates are available, or students may rent inlines, hockey, or speed skates for $2.00.  The concession stand and games are also available, so students may bring extra money if they wish.


Thursday, September 15, 2011

Mid term reports

Students brought home mid term reports.  Please sign and return the report to school with your child.

Tomorrow is Blue and White day in support of Central's homecoming.  Students can wear blue and white or any Central sportswear they might have. 

The school store will be open on Friday before school.

Monday, September 12, 2011

An Exciting Day!

Amazing things are happening in 3rd grade!  Today our Monarch came out of its chrysalis and we got to see it dry and fly away.
Emma with the Monarch chrysalis she brought from home
"It's awfully tight in here!"
"It feels great to be out of that thing!"
"Will my wings ever dry?"
"Look, it's an open window!"

Sunday, September 11, 2011


Please remember to check your child's Home Folder every night.  There are many important notes and assignments that come home daily.  Also watch for Our Week at a Glance on Mondays.  This will fill you in on what is going on in the classroom, as well as special events at school.  It is also on our class web page.

Don't forget 2 book reports are due on September 30th.  We go to the school library every week, so the students have the opportunity to check out books at their level.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Students are bringing home information about book reports today.  A scoring guide and 2 book report forms are attached.  2 book reports are required each month.  There is not a page number requirement; each book read and reported on will count as one book.  Please make sure your child is reading books at his/her level.

Friday is a full day!  Hopefully we will have a break from the heat!