Sunday, May 15, 2011

Final Notes

Wow!  Has this year gone fast!!!  I have enjoyed the journey with your children this year.  We have learned a lot and grown a lot.  Thanks for the support and encouragement you have given throughout the year.  Have a fun and safe summer.

Here's what is going on this week:

Monday-Wear your PJs to school
             Major Saver limo ride

Tuesday-Wear your favorite team clothing

Wednesday-Wear your class colors-3rd grade is blue
                  All school picnic-lunch provided by American Family
                  Play Day-be sure to dress appropriately

Thursday-Wacky day-wear mismatched clothing
               Yearbook signing during the day

Friday-10:00 Awards Assembly 
           1:30 Early dismissal-Last day of school

Sunday, May 8, 2011

We're Winding Down

This week will be very busy as we wind down to the end of the school year.  

Don't forget to return the signed Math Benchmark Test Alert.  We will take the test on Tuesday.

Friday is the Reading Celebration.  Please make sure permission slips have been returned.  We will go to Plaza 8 for the movie.  Students may bring money for the concession stand.  We will then go to Bartlett Park for lunch and some "play time".  Your child may bring a sack lunch and drink from home or order a bag lunch from school.  Please keep an eye on the weather and dress appropriately.